Hoerr’s Asphalt Crack Repair Can Reduce Future Costs
Cracked asphalt is not only unsightly, but can be dangerous as well. It can cause tripping hazards and lead to costly repairs. The most common type of cracking in pavement surfaces is due to a loss of flexibility in the asphalt binder through prolonged exposure to sunlight. Left untreated, it can lead to the development of potholes or premature pavement deterioration.
One of the contributing factors in asphalt cracking is the extreme temperature swings typical in the greater Peoria area. Additionally, when the snow melts in the spring, such a thaw can weaken the support base.
Edge cracking occurs at the edges of the road, which is caused by insufficient support of the underlying area. Combined with poor drainage and weak shoulders, edge cracking can weaken the base and lead to premature pavement deterioration.
Once a crack is formed and left untreated it can cause extreme damage to the underlying base layers, further excelerating the need for timely maintenance and repair.
While some asphalt cracks can be prevented, if they do form they can be treated effectively. If the cracks are caught in the early stages, they can be addressed with the application of a crack sealant which can limit further deterioration. However, larger cracks may need to undergo further repair which could involve the removal and replacement of the surrounding area with a new base and asphalt surface.

The talented technicians at Hoerr’s can offer guidance and services to address your asphalt crack repair needs. They can be reached by calling toll free 309-222-2979 or contact us here, to be put you in touch with a qualified representative that can provide you with a quick and free estimate. We are proud to serve the Peoria, Bloomington, and Galesburg areas with the best quality asphalt crack repair and maintenance work available on the market.